2. A Society

2. A Society

This is how it all came about. Six or seven of us were sitting one day after tea. Some were gazing across the street into the windows of a milliner’s shop where the light still shone brightly upon scarlet feathers and golden slippers. Others were idly occupied in building little towers of sugar upon the edge of the tea tray. After a time, so far as I remember, we drew round the fire and began as usual to praise men—how strong, how noble, how brilliant, how ceous, how beautiful they were—how we ehose who by hook or by ao get attached to one for life—when Poll, who had said nothing, burst into tears. Poll, I must tell you, has always been queer. For ohing her father was a strange man. He left her a fortune in his will, but on dition that she read all the books in the London Library. We forted her as best we could; but we knew in our hearts how vain it was. For though we like her, Poll is y; leaves her shoe laces untied; and must have bee……(内容加载失败!)




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