Adam, One Afternoon

Italo Calvino

The NEW gardeners boy had long hair which he kept in place by a piece of stuff tied round his head with a little bow. He was walking along the path with his watering- filled to the brim and his other arm stretched out to balahe load. Slowly, carefully, he watered the nasturtiums as if p out coffee and milk, until the earth at the foot of each plant dissolved into a soft black patch; when it was large and moist enough he lifted the watering- and passed on to the plant. Maria-nunziata was watg him from the kit window, and thinking what a nice calm job gardening must be. He was a grown youth, she noticed, though he still wore shorts and that long hair made him look like a girl. She stopped washing the dishes and tapped on the window.

"Hey, boy," she called.

The gardeners boy raised his head, saw Maria-nunziata and smiled. She laughed back at him, partly because she had never seen a boy with such long hair and a bow like that on his head. The……(内容加载失败!)




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