Together with other monks, Govinda used to spend the time of rest between pilgrimages in the pleasure-grove, which the courtesan Kamala had given to the followers of Gotama fift. He heard talk of an old ferryman, who lived one days journey away by the river, and who was regarded as a wise man by many. When Govinda went ba his way, he chose the path to the ferry, eager to see the ferryman. Because, though he had lived his entire life by the rules, though he was also looked upon with veion by the younger monks on at of his age and his modesty, the restlessness and the searg still had not perished from his heart.

He came to the river and asked the old man to ferry him over, and when they got off the boat oher side, he said to the old man: "Youre very good to us monks and pilgrims, you have already ferried many of us across the river. Arent you too, ferryman, a searcher for the right path?"

Quoth Siddhartha, smiling from his old eyes: "Do you call yourself ……(内容加载失败!)




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