When Siddhartha left the grove, where the Buddha, the perfected oayed behind, where Govinda stayed behind, then he felt that in this grove his past life also stayed behind and parted from him. He pondered about this sensation, which filled him pletely, as he was slowly walking along. He pondered deeply, like diving into a deep water he let himself sink down to the ground of the sensation, down to the place where the causes lie, because to identify the causes, so it seemed to him, is the very essence of thinking, and by this aloions turn into realizations and are not lost, but bee entities and start to emit like rays of light what is inside of them.

Slowly walking along, Siddhartha pondered. He realized that he was no youth any more, but had turned into a man. He realized that ohing had left him, as a snake is left by its old skin, that ohing no longer existed in him, which had apanied him throughout his youth and used to be a part of him: the wish to ha……(内容加载失败!)




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