
Mama said Id lose my head

If it wasnt fastened on.

Today I guess it wasnt

Cause while playing with my cousin

It fell off and rolled away

And now its gone.

And I t look for it

Cause my eyes are in it,

And I t call to it

Cause my mouth is on it

(Couldnt hear me anyway

Cause my ears are on it),

t even think about it

Cause my brain is in it.

So I guess Ill sit down

On this rock

A for just a minute

Melinda Mae

Have you heard of tiny Melinda Mae,

Who ate a monstrous whale?

She thought she could,

She said she would,

So she started in right at the tail.

And everyone said,"Youre muall,"

But that didnt bother Melinda at all,

She took little bites and she shewed very slow,

Just like a little girl should...

...ay-nine years later she ate that whale

Because she said she would!!!

Messy Room

Whosever room this is should be ashamed!

His underwear is hanging on the lamp.

His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,

And the chair is being quite mucky and damp.





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