Chapter 8:DANCE at GRANDPA’S

MONDAY m everybody got up early, in a hurry to get started to Grandpas. Pa wao be there to help with the work of gathering and boiling the sap. Ma would help Grandma and the aunts make good things to eat for all the people who were ing to the dance.

Breakfast was eaten and the dishes washed and the beds made by lamplight. Pa packed his fiddle carefully in its box and put it in the big sled that was already waiting at the gate.

The air was cold and frosty and the light was gray, when Laura and Mary and Ma with Baby Carrie were tucked in snug and warm uhe robes.

The horses shook their heads and pranced making the sleigh bells ring merrily, and they went on the road through the Big Woods to Grandpas.

The snow was damp and smooth in the road, so the sled slipped quickly over it, and the big trees seemed to be hurrying by oher side.

After awhile there was sunshine in the woods and the air sparkled. The long streaks of yellow, light lay between the shadows of……(内容加载失败!)




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