Chapter 7: The Sugar Snow

FOR days the sun shone and the weather was warm. There was no frost on the windows in the ms. All day the icicles fell one by one from the eaves with soft smashing and crag sounds in the snowbanks beh. The trees shook their wet, black branches, and ks of snow fell down.

When Mary and Laura pressed their noses against the cold window pahey could see the drip of water from the eaves and the bare branches of the trees. The snow did not glitter; it looked soft and tired. Uhe trees it itted where the ks of snow had fallen, and the banks beside the path were shrinking aling.

Then one day Laura saatch of bare ground in the yard. All day it grew bigger, and before night the whole yard was bare mud. Only the icy path was left, and the snowbanks along the path and the fend beside the woodpile.

"t I go out to play, Ma?" Laura asked, and Ma said:

"May, Laura.”

"May I go out to play?" she asked.

"You may tomorrow," Ma promised.

That night Laura woke up, shivering. ……(内容加载失败!)




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