Chapter 4: CHRISTMAS

CHRISTMAS was ing.

The little log house was almost buried in snow. Great drifts were banked against the walls and windows, and in the m when Pa opehe door, there was a wall of snow as high as Lauras head. Pa took the shovel and shoveled it away, and then he shoveled a path to the barn, where the horses and the cows were snug and warm in their stalls.

The days were clear and bright. Laura and Mary stood on chairs by the window and looked out across the glittering snow at the glittering trees. Snoiled all along their bare, dark branches, and it sparkled in the sunshine. Icicles hung from the eaves of the house to the snowbanks, great Icicles as large at the top as Lauras arm. They were like glass and full of sharp lights.

Pas breath hung in the air like smoke, when he came along the path from the barn. He breathed it out in clouds and it froze in white frost on his mustache and beard.

When he came in, stamping the snow from his boots, and caught Laura up ……(内容加载失败!)




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