Shang [from mounted horse]: Search for survivors.

[Cut to Mulan walking around the burned-out village. She finds a the doll that Shan-Yu was holding and looks up sorrowfully. Shanges to her side]

Shang: I dont uand. My father should have been here.

[Zoom in on the fireworks tower. Mushu lands near Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft (the firewhters) on the edge of the tower]

Mushu: Citizens, I need firepower.

Barry Cook: Who are you?

Mushu [Mushu (using the wings from the kite) and Cri-Kee with wings spread like batman]: Youreworst nightmare.

[Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft jump off the toluoward the ground]

[Cut to Mulan. She pulls herself onto the roof and climbs up to the crest]

Man in Crowd #1: On the roof.

Man in Crowd #2: Look!

[Mulan lines up where she is standing with the fireworks tower across the way. Shan-Yu breaksthrough the roof behind Mulan surprising her. Mulan backs away and searches for something on herperson to help her against Shan-Yu. She fin……(内容加载失败!)




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