Shan-Yu: Boo. [Shan-Yu steps into the baly o the Emperor] [to Hun Bald Man #1 and #2] Guard the door [they walk off dowairs that lead to the baly]. [pag around the Emperor] Your walls and armies have fallen, and now its your turn. Bow to me.

[Cut to the entrao the stairwell that leads to the baly. Hun Bald Man #1 and #2 e dowairs and close the door, joiningHun Archer Man, Hun Strong Man and Hun Long-Hair Man. Mulan and pany are around the er]

Mulan [whispering]: Okay, any questions?

Yao [whispering]: Does this dress make me look fat? [Mulan slaps him] Ow.

[Mulan, Yao, Ling and -Po walk out smiling, giggling and trying to act lady-like including holding fans and waving fans]

Hun Archer: Whos there?

Hun Bald Man #2 [putting down Hun Bald Man #1s sword]: es.

Hun Bald Man #1: Ugly es.

Ling [waving daintily, speaking to Yao]: Oh hes so cute.

[Hun Bald Man #2 smiles and waves back. Hun Bald Man #1 elbows Hun Bald Man #2. A bitten apple falls out from beh Ling……(内容加载失败!)




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