Chi Fu [calling out from the top of a hill overlooking a valley]: Captain!

[Chi Fu points down to the valley where the remains of General Lis army be seen. Flags poking up out of the snow, armor lying facedown, broken on carts. Ling, Yao, Mulan, and a soldier have the look of horror on their faces as they look into the valley. -Powalks up from the valley carrying a helmet]

-po [handing the helmet to Shang]: ...the General.

[Shang takes the helmet and walks to the edge of the hill. He draws his sword and stabs it into the snow upright. He kneels dolaces the helmet on top of the sword. Mulan approaches him from behind]

Mulan [softly]: Im sorry.

[Shas up, turns around and puts his hand on Mulans shoulder and he walks by. Shang walks to the ter of the troops. He grabs hishorse by the saddle, takes one quick look of grief then mounts his horse]

Shang: The Huns are moving quickly. Well make better time to the Imperial City through the Tung Shao Pass. Were th……(内容加载失败!)




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