Mushu: All right, rise and shine sleepiy. [Mulan rises and blinks] [rapping on Mulans head with each syllable] hup, hup,hup. [Mulan groans, lies back doulls the covers over her head. Mushu pulls the covers off Mulairely] Get your clothes o ready. Got breakfast for ya. [Mushu jumps onto Mulans kh a bowl of pe] Look, you get pe, and its happy to seeyou. [Mushu shows her the bowl with two eggs and ba looking like a smiley face. Cri-Kee pops up out from the bowl of pe] Hey,get outta there, you gonna make people sick! [Mushu uses chopsticks to push Cri-Kee out of the pe]

Mulan: Am I late?

Mushu [while feeding Mulan]: No time to talk. Now remember, its your first day of training so listen to your teacher and no fighting. Playh the other kids, unless of course one of the other kids wanna fight, then you have to kick the other kids butt.

Mulan [with her mouth full of food]: But I dont wanna kick the other kids butt.

Mushu: Dont talk with your mouth full. Now l……(内容加载失败!)




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