Grandma Fa [to Fa Li]: I think its going well, dont you?

Matchmaker [running out of the building screaming]: Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! [Mulan takes the teapot, throws the tea on Matchmaker and puts outthe fire. She bows, hands the teapot baatchmaker and covers her faceas she walks toward Fa Li and Grandma Fa] [with anger] You are a disgrace! [Matchmaker throws the teapot down smashing it to pieces] You may look like abride, but you will never bring your family honor!

[The townsfolk who have gathered whisper and walk away]

[Cut to Mulan walking through the gate with her home leading khan. She lookssorrowful. Fa Zhou sees his daughter and smiles. Mulan sees her fatherssmile. She covers her face with Khans head and leads him to the watertrough]

[Song: Refle]

Mulan: Look at me [looking at her refle ier trough]I will never pass for a perfect bride [taking off her earrings and beads of jade]Or a perfect daughter [Mulan watches Fa Li relating what ha……(内容加载失败!)




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