I returo my own rooms, my feet moving as slowly as my thoughts. Nothing made sense. Why had John-the-dig died? Because someone had interfered with the safety cat the ladder. It ’t have been the boy. Miss Winter’s stave him a clear alibi: While John and his ladder were tumbling from the balustrade through the empty air to the ground, the boy was eyeing her cigarette, not daring to ask for a drag. Then surely it must have been Emmeline. Except that nothing iory suggests that Emmeline would do such a thing. She was a harmless child, eveer said so. And Miss Winter herself couldn’t have been clearer. No. Not Emmelihen who? Isabelle was dead. Charlie was gone.

I came to my rooms, went in, stood by the window. It was too dark to see; there was only my refle, a pale shadow you could see the night through. “Who?” I asked it.

At last I listeo the quiet, persistent voi my head that I had been trying to ignore. Adeline.

No, I said.

Yes, it said. Adeline.

It wa……(内容加载失败!)




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