Before I was quite awake I had the sehat something was different. And a moment later, before I even opened my eyes, I knew what it was. There was light.

Gohe shadows that had lurked in my room sihe beginning of the month; gooo, the gloomy ers and the air of mournfulness. The window ale regle, and from it there entered a shimmering palehat illuminated every aspey room. It was so long since I had seen it that I felt a surge of joy, as though it weren’t just a night that had ended but winter. It was as if spring had e.

The cat was on the window ledge, gazing ily into the garden. Heariir, he immediately jumped doawed at the door to go out. I pulled my clothes and coat on, and we crept downstairs together, to the kit and the garden.

I realized my mistake the moment I stepped outdoors. It was not day. It was not the sun, but moonlight that shimmered in the garden, edging the leaves with silver and toug the outlines of the statuary figures. I stopped still an……(内容加载失败!)




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