Miss Winter did not ent on my unications with her solicitor, though I am certain she was informed, just as I am certain the dots I requested would never have beeo me without her sent. I wondered whether she might sider it cheating, whether this was the “jumping about iory” she so disapproved of, but on the day I received the set of letters from Mr. Lomax a my request for help to the genealogist, she said not a word but only picked up her story where she had left it, as though none of these postal exges of information were happening.

Charlie was the sed loss. The third if you t Isabelle, though to all practical purposes we had lost her two years before, and so she hardly ts.

John was more affected by Charlie’s disappearahan by Hester’s. Charlie might have been a recluse, an etric, a hermit, but he was the master of the house. Four times a year, at the sixth or seventh time of asking, he would scrawl his mark on a paper and the bank would release fund……(内容加载失败!)




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