
Shortly after breakfast I leave my apartment, carrying two vas bags. Each bag tains three pairs of shoes that I have personally tested; the bag in my left hand also holds six evaluatios, each between two and two-and-a-half pages long. The summer m is warm and almost excessively bright. The swallows fly straight up the walls of the apartment houses and theher turn sideways over the roofs or soar on into the blue. Id like to stay right there and at least watch them, if I t imitate them. But I have an appoi. Im supposed to meet Habedank at ten. At Ebert Platz I take the number 7 train to Hollenstein, where the Weisshuhn Shoe Factory is located, not far from the station. Ill meet Habedank in the managers offid give him the shoes along with the reports. Well chat for about three quarters of an hour—first twenty minutes about the test shoes, and the rest of the time about electric trains. Then Habedank will hahree or four pairs of new shoes, and Ill go home.……(内容加载失败!)




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