Translators Notes

{1} He is reputed to have lived 800 years.

{2} 1783 B.C.

{3} Philosopher about whose life nothing is known. The book Liehtse is sidered a later pilatiohe se "Parables of A Philosophers."

{4} The wind.

{5} 2357 B.C.

{6} Sage emperors/

{7} A sophist and friend of gtse who often carried oes with him.

{8} Agitations of the soul (music of Heaven) pared to the agitations of the forest (music of Earth).

{9} Lit. "true lord."

{10} Shih and fei mean general moral judgments aal distins; "right" and "wrong," "true" and "false," "is" and "is not," "affirmative" and "ive," also "to justify" and "n," "to affirm" and "deny."

{11} The followers of Motse were powerful rivals of the fuists in gtses days. See the seles from Motse.

{12} The meaning of these two sentences is made clear by a line belo;quot;But if we put the different categories ihen the differences of category cease to exist."

{13} g and kuei, lit. "whole" and "defit."

"Wholeness" refers to unspoiled unity o……(内容加载失败!)




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