Joined Toes

Joioes ara fingers seem to e from nature, yet, funally speaking they are superfluous. Goiters and tumors seem to e from the body, yet in their nature, they are superfluous. And (similarly), to have maraneous does of charity and duty and regard them in practice as parts of a mans natural ses is not the true way of Tao. For just as joioes are but useless lumps of flesh, ara fingers but useless growths, so are the many artificial developments of the natural ses of men and the extravagances of charitable and dutiful duct but so many superfluous uses of intelligence. People with superfluous keenness of vision put into fusion the five colors, lose themselves in the forms and designs, and in the distins of greens and yellows for sacrificial robcs. Is this not so? Of such was Li Chu (the clear-sighted). People with superfluous keenness of hearing put into fusion the five notes, exaggerate the tonic differences of the six pitch-pipes, and the various timbres of ……(内容加载失败!)




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