The Great Supreme

He who knows what is of God and who knows what is of Man has reached ihe height (of wisdom). One who knows what is of God patterns his living after God. One who knows what is of Man may still use his knowledge of the known to develop his knowledge of the unknown, living till the end of his days and not perishing young. This is the fullness of knowledge. Herein, however, there is a flaw. Correowledge is depe on objects, but the objects of knowledge are relative and uain (ging). How one know that the natural is not really of man, and what is of man is not really natural? We must, moreover, have true men before we have true knowledge.

But what is a true man? The true men of old did not override the weak, did not attain their ends by brute strength, and did not gather around them sellors. Thus, failing they had no cause fret; succeeding, no cause for self-satisfa. And thus they could scale heights without tremblier water without bei, and gh fire without f……(内容加载失败!)




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