Deformities, or Evidence of a Full Character

Iate of Lu there was a man, named Wang Tai, who had had one of his legs cut off. His disciples were as numerous as those of fucius. g Chi asked fucius, saying, "This Wang Tai has been mutilated, yet he has as many followers in the Lu State as you. He her stands up to preaor sits down to give discourse; yet those who go to him empty, depart full. Is he the kind of person who teach without words and influence peoples minds without material means? What manner of man is this?"

"He is a sage," replied fucius, "I wao go to him, but am merely behind the others. Even I will go and make him my teacher, -- why not those who are lesser than I? And I will lead, not only the State of Lu, but the whole world to follow him."

"The man has been mutilated," said g Chi, "a people call him Master. He must be very different from the ordinary men. If so, how does he train his mind?"

"Life ah are indeed ges of great moment," answered fucius, "but they ot affect his mind. Hea……(内容加载失败!)




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