On Levelling All Things

Tsechi of Nankuo sat leaning on a low table. Gazing up to heaven, he sighed and looked as though he had lost his mind.

Yeseyu, who was standing by him, exclaimed, "What are you thinking about that your body should bee thus like dead wood, your mind like burnt-out ders? Surely the man now leaning oable is not he who was here just now."

"My friend," replied Tsechi, "your question is apposite. Today I have lost my Self.... Do you uand? ... Perhaps you only know the musian, and not that of Earth. Or even if you have heard the music of Earth, perhaps you have not heard the music of Heaven."

"Pray explain," said Tseyu.

"The breath of the universe," tisechi, "is called wind. At times, it is inactive. But when active, all crevices resound to its blast. Have you never listeo its deafening roar?

"Caves and dells of hill and forest, hollows in huge trees of many a span in girth -- some are like nostrils, and some like mouths, and others like ears, beam-sockets, go……(内容加载失败!)




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