A couple of hours after Su Michael Robartes returned and told me that I would have to leareps of an exceedingly antique dance, because before my initiation could be perfected I had to join three times in a magical dance, for rhythm was the wheel of Eternity, on which alohe tra and actal could be broken, and the spirit set free. I found that the steps, which were simple enough, resembled certain antique Greek dances, and having been a good dancer in my youth and the master of many curious Gaelic steps, I soon had them in my memory. He then robed me and himself in a e which suggested by its shape both Greed Egypt, but by its crimson colour a more passionate life than theirs; and having put into my hands a little less ser of bronze, wrought into the likeness of a rose, by some modern craftsmaold me to open a small door opposite to the door by which I had entered. I put my hand to the handle, but the moment I did so the fumes of the inse, helped perhaps by ……(内容加载失败!)




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