Hall in the house of TESS CATHLEEN. At the Left an oratory with steps leading up to it.

At the Right a tapestried wall, more or less repeating the form of the oratory, and a great chair with its back

against the wall. In the tre are two or more arches through whie see dimly the trees of the

garden. CATHLEEN is kneeling in front of the altar in the

oratory; there is a hanging lighted lamp over the altar. ALEEL enters.

ALEEL. I have e to bid you leave this castle and fly

Out of these woods.

CATHLEEN. What evil is there here?

That is not everywhere from this to the sea?

ALEEL. They who have sent me walk invisible.

CATHLEEN. So it is true what I have heard men say,

That you have seen and heard what others ot.

ALEEL. I was asleep in my bed, and while I slept

My dream became a fire; and in the fire

One walked and he had birds about his head.

CATHLEEN. I have heard that one of the old gods walked so.

ALEEL. It may be that he is angelical;

And, lady, he bids m……(内容加载失败!)




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