A wood with perhaps distant view of turreted house at one side, but all in flat colour,

without light and shade and against a diafiered old background.

TESS CATHLEEN es in leaning UpOn ALEELs arm. OONA follows them.

CATHLEEN. (Stopping) Surely this leafy er, where one smells The wild bees honey, has a story too?

OONA. There is the house at last.

ALEEL. A man, they say,

Loved Maeve the Queen of all the invisible host,

And died of his love niuries ago.

And now, when the moons riding at the full,

She leaves her dancers lonely and lies there

Upon that level place, and for three days

Stretches and sighs as her long pale cheeks.

CATHLEEN. So she loves truly.

ALEEL. No, but wets her cheeks,

Lady, because she has fot his name.

CATHLEEN. Shed sleep that trouble away??though it must be

A heavy trouble tet his name??

If she had better sense.

OONA. Your own house, lady.

ALEEL. She sleeps high up on wintry Knoa?rea

In an old of stones; while her poor women

Must lie……(内容加载失败!)




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