The New Yorker Fi by Doris Lessing July 7, 1997

“Look at him,” says Helen. “I don’t say anything, and I go on looking.”

“What does he do then?” asks Mary, gazing at Helen as she so often does, as if Helen had the secret of something or other.

“Then he gives in,” says Helen, and laughs. The laugh, as always, takes Mary captive, and this time it seems to reverberate right through her, and Heleo be remembering something delicious, for she sits smiling.

Helen is the Greek wife of Tom, who is English. He saw her in a taverna in Naxos, where she was waiting on him and oher fn tourists as if she were doing them a favor, and he fell in love and persuaded her to return to England with him. irely fn ground to her, because she has relatives in the large Greek and Cypriot unity in Camden Town, and she visited them one summer. Mary is the English wife of Demetrios, and she was with a girlfriend on holiday in ándros when the handsome waiter in the café ove……(内容加载失败!)




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