正文 Chapter 11

Chapter 11

For years, Dorian Gray could not free himself from the influence of this book. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he never sought to free himself from it. He procured from Paris han nine large-paper copies of the first edition, and had them bound in different colours, so that they might suit his various moods and the ging fancies of a nature over which he seemed, at times, to have almost entirely lost trol. The hero, the wonderful young Parisian in whom the romantid the stific temperaments were sely blended, became to him a kind uring type of himself. And, ihe whole book seemed to him to taiory of his own life, written before he had lived it.

In one point he was more fortuhan the novels fantastic hero. He never knew--never, indeed, had any cause to know--that somewhat grotesque dread of mirrors, and polished metal surfaces, and still water which came upon the young Parisian so early in his life, and was occasioned by the sudden ……(内容加载失败!)




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