Wherever thus created, for no place [ 535 ]

Is yet distinct by hence, as thou knowst

He brought thee into this delicious Grove,

This Garden, planted with the Trees of God,

Delectable both to behold and taste;

And freely all thir pleasant fruit for food [ 540 ]

Gave thee, all sorts are here that all th Earth yields,

Varietie without end; but of the Tree

Which tasted works knowledge of Good and Evil,

Thou maist not; in the day thou eatst, thou dist;

Death is the penaltie imposd, beware, [ 545 ]

And goverhy appetite, least sin

Surprise thee, and her black attendah.

Here finishd hee, and all that he had made

Viewd, and behold all was entirely good;

So Evn and Morn aplisht the Sixt day: [ 550 ]

Yet not till the Creator from his work

Desisting, though unwearied, up returnd

Up to the Heavn of Heavns his high abode,

Theo behold this new created World

Th addition of his Empire, how it shewd [ 555 ]

In prospect from his Throne, how good, how faire,

Answering his ……(内容加载失败!)




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