The Sixt, and of Creation last arose

With Eevning Harps and Mattin, when God said, [ 450 ]

Let th Earth bring forth Soul living in her kinde,

Cattel and Creeping things, a of the Earth,

Ea their kihe Earth obeyd, and strait

opning her fertile Woomb teemd at a Birth

Innumerous living Creatures, perfet formes, [ 455 ]

Limbd and full grown: out of the ground up rose

As from his Laire the wilde Beast where he wonns

In Forrest wilde, in Thicket, Brake, or Den;

Among the Trees in Pairs they rose, they walkd:

The Cattel in the Fields and Meddowes green: [ 460 ]

Those rare and solitarie, these in flocks

Pasturing at once, and in broad Herds upsprung.

The grassie Clods now Calvd, now half appeerd

The Tawnie Lion, pawing to get free

His hinder parts, then springs as broke from Bonds, [ 465 ]

And Rampant shakes his Brinded main; the Ounce,

The Libbard, and the Tyger, as the Moale

Rising, the crumbld Earth above them threw

In Hillocks; the swift Stag from under gro……(内容加载失败!)




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