And God created the great Whales, and each

Soul living, each that crept, which plenteously

The waters geed by thir kindes,

And every Bird of wing after his kinde;

And saw that it was good, and blessd them, saying, [ 395 ]

Be fruitful, multiply, and in the Seas

And Lakes and running Streams the waters fill;

Ahe Fowle be multiplyd on the Earth.

Forthwith the Sounds and Seas, each Creek and Bay

With Frie innumerable swarme, and Shoales [ 400 ]

Of Fish that with thir Finns and shining Scales

Glide uhe green Wave, in Sculles that oft

Bank the mid Sea: part single or with mate

Graze the Sea weed thir pasture, and through Groves

Of Coral stray, or sp with quick glance [ 405 ]

Show to the Sun thir wavd coats dropt with Gold,

Or in thir Pearlie shells at ease, attend

Moist nutriment, or under Rocks thir food

In jointed Armour watooth the Seale,

And bended Dolphins play: part huge of bulk [ 410 ]

Wallowing unweildie, enormous in thir Gate

Tempest the O: there Lev……(内容加载失败!)




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