Immediately the Mountains huge appeer [ 285 ]

Emergent, and thir broad bare backs upheave

Into the Clouds, thir tops asd the Skie:

So high as heavd the tumid Hills, so low

Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep,

Capacious bed of Waters: thither they [ 290 ]

Hasted with glad precipitance, uprowld

As drops on dust globing from the drie;

Part rise in crystal Wall, e direct,

For haste; such flight the great and impressd

On the swift flouds: as Armies at the call [ 295 ]

Of Trumpet (for of Armies thou hast heard)

Troop to thir Standard, so the watrie throng,

Wave rowling after Wave, where way they found,

If steep, with torrent rapture, if through Plaine,

Soft-ebbing; nor withstood them Rock or Hill, [ 300 ]

But they, or under ground, or circuit wide

With Serpent errour wandring, found thir way,

And on the washie Oose deep els wore;

Easie, ere God had bid the ground be drie,

All but within those banks, where Rivers now [ 305 ]

Stream, aual draw thir humid t……(内容加载失败!)




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