And the great Light of Day yet wants to run

Much of his Race though steep, suspens in Heavn

Held by thy voice, thy potent voice he heares, [ 100 ]

And longer will delay to heare thee tell

His Geion, and the rising Birth

Of Nature from the unapparent Deep:

Or if the Starr of Eevning and the Moon

Haste to thy audienight with her will bring [ 105 ]

Silence, and Sleep listning to thee will watch,

Or we bid his abseill thy Song

End, and dismiss thee ere the M shine.

Thus Adam his illustrious Guest besought:

And thus the Godlike Angel answerd milde. [ 110 ]

This also thy request with caution askt

Obtaihough to ret Almightie works

What words or tongue of Seraph suffice,

Or heart of man suffiprehend?

Yet what thou st attain, which best may serve [ 115 ]

To glorifie the Maker, and inferr

Thee also happier, shall not be withheld

Thy hearing, suission from above

I have receavd, to ahy desire

Of knowledge within bounds; beyond abstain [ 120 ]

To ask, nor let thin……(内容加载失败!)




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