Her eyes are wild, her head is bare,

The sun has burnt her coal-black hair,

Her eye-brows have a rusty stain,

And she came far from over the main.

She has a baby on her arm,

Or else she were alone;

And underh the hay-stack warm,

And on the green-wood stone,

She talked and sung the woods among;

And it was in the English tongue.

"Sweet babe! they say that I am mad,

But nay, my heart is far too glad;

And I am happy when I sing

Full many a sad and doleful thing:

Then, lovely baby, do not fear!

I pray thee have no fear of me,

But, safe as in a cradle, here

My lovely baby! thou shalt be,

To thee I know too much I owe;

I ot work thee any woe.

A ?re was ohin my brain;

And in my head a dull, dull pain;

And ?endish faces owo, three,

Hung at my breasts, and pulled at me.

But then there came a sight of joy;

It came at oo do me good;

I waked, and saw my little boy,

My little boy of ?esh and blood;

Oh joy for me that sight to see!

For he was here, and……(内容加载失败!)




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