正文 APRIL, 1944


My dearest Kitty,

A everything is still so difficult. You do know what I mean, dont you? I long so much for him to kiss me, but that kiss is taking its owime. Does he still think of me as a friend? Dont I mean anything more?

You and I both know that Im strong, that I carry most burdens alone. Ive never beeo sharing my worries with anyone, and Ive never g to a mother, but Id love to lay my head on his shoulder and just sit there quietly.

I t, I simply t fet that dream of Peters cheek, whehing was so good! Does he have the same longing? Is he just too shy to say he loves me? Why does he want me near him so much? Oh, why doesnt he say something?

Ive got to stop, Ive got to be calm. Ill try to be strong again, and if Im patient, the rest will follow. But -- and this is the worst part -- I seem to be chasing him. Im always the one who has to go upstairs; he never es to me. But thats because of

the rooms, and he uands why I object. Oh……(内容加载失败!)




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