正文 MARCH, 1944


Dearest Kitty,

My own affairs have been pushed to the background by . . . a break-in. Im b you with all my break-ins, but what I do when burglars take such pleasure in h Gies & Go. with their presehis i is much more plicated than the last one, in July 1943.

Last night at seven-thirty Mr. van Daan was heading, as usual, for Mr. Kuglers office when he saw that both the glass door and the office door were open. He was surprised, but he went on through and was even more astoo see that the alcove doors were open as well and that there was a terrible mess in the front office.

"Theres been a burglary" flashed through his mind. But just to make sure, he went downstairs to the front door, checked the lod found everything closed. "Bep aer must just have been very careless this evening," Mr. van. D. cluded. He remained for a while in Mr. Kuglers office, switched off the lamp a upstairs without w much about the open doors or the messy office.

Early this m Peter k our door to tell us that the front door was wide

open and……(内容加载失败!)




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