正文 NOVEMBER, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

To take our minds off matters as well as to develop them, Father ordered a catalog from a correspondence sargot pored through the thick brochure three times

without finding anything to her liking and within her budget. Father was easier to satisfy and decided to write and ask for a trial lesson in "Elementary Latin." No sooner said than dohe lesson arrived, Margot set to work enthusiastically and decided to take the course, despite the expes much too hard for me, though Id really like to learn Latin.

To give me a new project as well, Father asked Mr. Kleiman for a childrens Bible so I could finally learn something about the estament.

"Are you planning to give Anne a Bible for Hanukkah?" Margot asked, someerturbed.

"Yes. . . Well, maybe St. Nicholas Day would be a better occasion," Father replied.

Jesus and Hanukkah doly go together.

Sihe vacuum ers broken, I have to take an old brush to the rug every night.





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