正文 OCTOBER, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

Mr. Kleiman is back, thank goodness! He looks a bit pale, a he cheerfully set off to sell some clothes for Mr. van Daan. The disagreeable fact is that Mr. van Daan has run out of money. He lost his last hundred guilders in the warehouse, which is still creating trouble for us: the men are w how a hundred guilders could wind up in the warehouse on a Monday m. Suspi abounds. Meanwhile, the hundred guilders have been stolen. Whos the thief?

But I was talking about the money she. Mrs. van D. has scads of dresses, coats and shoes, none of which she feels she do without. Mr. van D.s suit is difficult to sell, aers bike ut on the block, but is back again, sinobody wa.

But the story doeshere. You see, Mrs. van D. is going to have to part with her fur coat. In her opinion, the firm should pay for our upkeep, but thats ridiculous.

They just had a flaming row about it and have ehe "oh, my sweet Putti" and "darling Kerli" st……(内容加载失败!)




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