正文 APRIL, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

Im not really in the mood for pranks (see the date).

On the trary, today I safely quote the saying" Misfortunes never e singly.”

First, Mr. Kleiman, our merry sunshine, had another bout of gastroiinal hemierday and will have to stay in bed for at least three weeks. I should tell you that his stomach has been b him quite a bit, and theres no cure. Sed, Bep has the flu. Third, Mr. Voskuijl has to go to the hospital week.

He probably has an ulcer and will have to undergery. Fourth, the managers of Pomosin Industries came from Frankfurt to discuss the new Opekta deliveries. Father had gohe important points with Mr. Kleiman, and there wasnt enough time to give Mr. Kugler a thh briefing.

The gentlemen arrived from Frankfurt, and Father was already shaking at the thought of how the talks would go. "If only I could be there, if only I were downstairs," he exclaimed.

"Go lie down with your ear to the floor. Theyll be bro……(内容加载失败!)




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