正文 MARCH, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

Mrs. van D. has a new niame -- weve started calling her Mrs. Beaverbrook. Of course, that doesnt mean anything to you, so let me explain. A certain Mr.

Beaverbrook often talks on the English radio about what he siders to be the far too le bombardment of Germany. Mrs. van Daan, who always tradicts everyone, including Churchill and the news reports, is in plete agreement with Mr.

Beaverbrook. So we thought it would be a good idea for her to be married to him, and since she was flattered by the notion, weve decided to call her Mrs. Beaverbrook from now on.

Were getting a new warehouse employee, sihe old one is beio Germany. Thats bad for him but good for us because the new one wont be famthar with the building. Were still afraid of the men who work in the warehouse.

Gandhi is eating again.

The black market is doing a booming business. If we had enough moo pay the ridiculous prices, we could stuff ourselves silly. reen……(内容加载失败!)




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