正文 FEBRUARY, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

Though its been ages since Ive written to you about the squabbles, theres still no ge. In the begin ning Mr. Dussel took our soon-fotten clashes very seriously, but now hes growo them and no lories to mediate.

Margot aer arely what youd call "young"; theyre both so quiet and b. o them, I stick out like a sore thumb, and Im always being told, "Margot aer dont act that way. Why dont you follow your sisters example!" I hate that.

I fess that I have absolutely no desire to be like Margot. Shes too weak-willed and passive to suit me; she lets herself be swayed by others and always backs down under pressure. I want to have more spunk! But I keep ideas like these to myself.

Theyd only laugh at me if I offered this in my defense.

During meals the air is filled with tension. Fortunately, the outbursts are sometimes held in check by the "soup eaters," the people from the office who e up to have a cup of soup for lunch.





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