正文 SEPTEMBER, 1942


Dearest Kitty,

Mr. and Mrs. van Daan have had a terrible fight. Ive never seen anything like it, siher and Father wouldnt dream of shouting at each other like that. The argument was based on something so trivial it didnt seem worth wasting a single word on it.

Oh well, to each his own.

Of course, its very difficult for Peter, who gets caught in the middle, but no oakes Peter seriously anymore, since hes hypersensitive and lazy. Yesterday he was beside himself with worry because his tongue was blue instead of pink. This rare phenomenon disappeared as quickly as it came. Today hes walking around with a heavy scarf on because hes got a stiff neck. His Highness has been plaining of lumbago too. Aches and pains in his heart, kidneys and lungs are also par for the course. Hes an absolute hypodriac! (Thats the right word, isnt it?)

Mother and Mrs. van Daa getting along very well. There are enough reasons for the fri. To give you on……(内容加载失败!)




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