正文 AUGUST, 1942


Dear Kitty,

Ive deserted you for aire month, but so little has happehat I t find a

newsworthy item to relate every single day. The van Daans arrived on July 13. We thought they were ing on the fourteenth, but from the thirteenth to sixteenth the Germans were sending out call-up notices right a and causing a lot of u, so they decided it would be safer to leave a day too early than a day too late.

Peter van Daan arrived at hirty in the m (while we were still at breakfast). Peters going on sixteen, a shy, awkward boy whose pany wont amount to much. Mr. and Mrs. van Daan came half an hour later.

Much to our amusement, Mrs. van Daan was carrying a hatbox with a large chamber pot inside. "I just dont feel at home without my chamber pot," she exclaimed, and it was the first item to find a perma plader the divan. Instead of a chamber pot, Mr. van D. was lugging a collapsible tea table under his arm.

From the first, we ate our meals toget……(内容加载失败!)




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