正文 JULY, 1942


Dearest Kitty,

Until today I holy couldnt find the time to write you. I was with friends all day Thursday, we had pany on Friday, and thats how it went until today.

Hello and I have gotten to know each other very well this past week, aold me a lot about his life. He es from Gelsenkir and is living with his grandparents. His parents are in Belgium, but theres no way he get there. Hello used to have a girlfriend named Ursula. I know her too. Shes perfectly sweet and perfectly b. Ever since he met me, Hello has realized that hes been falling asleep at Ursuls side. So Im kind of a pep tonic. You never know what yood for!

Jacque spent Saturday night here. Sunday afternoon she was at Hannelis, and I was bored stiff.

Hello was supposed to e over that evening, but he called around six. I answered the phone, and he said, "This is Helmuth Silberberg. May I please speak to Anne?"

"Oh, Hello. This is Anne.”

"Oh, hi, Anne. How are you?" “





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