正文 8. In the Attic

8. Iic

The first night she spent itic was a thing Sara never fot. During its passing she lived through a wild, unchildlike woe of which she never spoke to anyone about her. There was no one who would have uood. It was, indeed, well for her that as she lay awake in the darkness her mind was forcibly distracted, now and then, by the strangeness of her surroundings. It erhaps, well for her that she was reminded by her small body of material things. If this had not been so, the anguish of her young mind might have been too great for a child to bear. But, really, while the night assing she scarcely khat she had a body at all or remembered any other thing than one.

"My papa is dead!" she kept whispering to herself. "My papa is dead!"

It was not until long afterward that she realized that her bed had been so hard that she turned over and over in it to find a place to rest, that the darkness seemed more intehan any she had ever known, and that the wind howled o……(内容加载失败!)




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