正文 27 ICE TIME

I had a dream, which was notall a dream.

The bright sun wasextinguish’d, and the starsDid wander . . .

—Byron, “Darkness”

IN 1815 on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia, a handsome and long-quiest mountaiambora exploded spectacularly, killing a huhousand people with its blast andassociated tsunamis. It was the biggest volic explosion ihousand years—150 timesthe size of Mount St. Helens, equivalent to sixty thousand Hiroshima-sized atom bombs.

News didn’t travel terribly fast in those days. In London, The Times ran a small story—actually a letter from a mert—seven months after the event. But by this time Tambora’seffects were already bei. Thirty-six cubic miles of smoky ash, dust, and grit haddiffused through the atmosphere, obsg the Sun’s rays and causing the Earth to cool.

Sus were unusually but blearily colorful, an effect memorably captured by the artist J. M.

W. Turner, who could not have been happier, but mostly the world existed under ano……(内容加载失败!)




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