In the great white villa in the park Will slept uneasily, plagued with dreams that were filled with ay and with sweetness in equal measure, so that he struggled to wake up a longed for sleep again. When his eyes were fully open, he felt so drowsy that he could scarcely move, and the up to find his bandage loose and his bed crimson.

He struggled out of bed and made his way through the heavy, dust-filled sunlight and silence of the great house down to the kit. He and Lyra had slept in servants rooms uhe attiot feeling weled by the stately four-poster beds in the grand rooms farther down, and it was a

long unsteady walk.

"Will—" she said at once, her voice full of , and she turned from the stove to help him to a chair.

He felt dizzy. He supposed hed lost a lot of blood; well, there was o suppose, with the evidence all over him. And the wounds were still bleeding.

"I was just making some coffee," she said. "Do you want that first, or shall I do another ban……(内容加载失败!)




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