SHASTA FALLS IN WITH THE NARNIANS AT first Shasta could see nothing in the valley below him but a sea of mist with a few domes and pinnacles rising from it; but as the light increased and the mist cleared away he saw more and more. A broad river divided itself into two streams and on the islaweeood the city of Tashbaan, one of the wonders of the world. Round the very edge of the island, so that the water lapped against the stone, ran high walls strengthened with so many towers that he soon gave up trying to t them. Ihe walls the island rose in a hill and every bit of that hill, up to the Tisrocs palad the great temple of Tash at the top, was pletely covered with buildings - terrace above terrace, street above street, zigzag roads e flights of steps bordered with e trees and lemon trees, roofgardens, balies, deep archways, pillared nades, spires, battlements, mis, pinnacles. And when at last the sun rose out of the sea and the great silver-pl……(内容加载失败!)




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