ASLAN MAKES A DOOR IN THE AIR AT the sight of Aslan the cheeks of the Telmarine soldiers became the colour of cold gravy, their knees kogether, and many fell on their faces. They had not believed

in lions and this made their fear greater. Even the Red Dwarfs, who khat he came as a friend, stood with open mouths and could not speak. Some of the Black Dwarfs, who had been of Nikabriks party, began to edge away. But all the Talking Beasts surged round the Lion, with purrs and grunts and squeaks and whinneys of delight, fawning on him with their tails, rubbing against him, toug him reverently with their noses and going to and fro under his body aween his legs. If you have ever seen a little cat loving a big dog whom it knows and trusts, you will have a pretty good picture of their behaviour. Theer, leading Caspian, forced his way through the crowd of animals.

"This is Caspian, Sir," he said. And Caspia and kissed the Lions paw.

"Wele, Prince," sa……(内容加载失败!)




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