THE HEALING OF HARMS WHEN Jill woke m and found herself in a cave, she thought for one horrid moment that she was ba the Underworld. But wheiced that she was lying on a bed of heather with a furry mantle over her, and saw a cheery fire crag (as if newly lit) on a stoh and, farther off, m sunlight ing in through the caves mouth, she remembered all the happy truth. They had had a delightful supper, all crowded into that cave, in spite of being so sleepy before it roperly over. She had a vague impression of Dwarfs crowding round the fire with frying-pans rather bigger than themselves, and the hissing, and delicious smell of sausages, and more, and more, and more sausages. And not wretched sausages half full of bread and soya beaher, but

real meaty, spies, fat and piping hot and burst and just the ti bit burnt. And great mugs of frothy chocolate, and roast potatoes and roast chestnuts, and baked apples with raisins stu where the cores had been,……(内容加载失败!)




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