正文 Breakfast at Tiffanys-25

She said, "Rah, team, rah," and blew smoke in my face. She was impressed,however; her eyes were dilated by unhappy visions, as were mine: iron rooms, steelcorridors of gradually closing doors. "Oh, screw it," she said, and stabbed out hercigarette. "I have a fair ce they wont catch me. Provided you keep your bouchefermez. Look. Dont despise me, darling." She put her hand over mine and pressed itwith sudden immense siy. "I havent much choice. I talked it over with thelawyer: oh, I didnt tell him anything regarding Rio -- hed tip the badgers himself,rather than lose his fee, to say nothing of the nickels O.J. put up for bail. Bless O.J.sheart; but on the coast I helped him win more thahou in a single pokerhand: were square. No, heres the real shake: all the badgers want from me is acouple rabs and my services as a states witness against Sally -- nobody hasany iion of proseg me, they havent a ghost of a case. Well, I may berotten to the core, Maude, but: t……(内容加载失败!)




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